Dividend Reinvestment Plan

Dividend Reinvestment Plan

The Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP) enables you to receive some or all of your future dividends as Challenger shares instead of in cash.
The DRP enables you to receive some or all of your future dividends as Challenger shares instead of in cash. All brokerage and associated costs are paid for by Challenger, providing a cost effective means to increase your ownership in Challenger.

DRP overview

  • Participation in the DRP is optional and available to all shareholders with a registered address in Australia on the dividend record date.  From time to time, Challenger may also make the DRP available to shareholders with a registered address outside of Australia. Currently, the DRP is also made available to shareholders with a registered address in New Zealand or Japan.
  • Shares allocated under the DRP will rank equally with existing Challenger ordinary shares.
  • The number of shares acquired under the DRP will be based on Challenger's volume weighted average share price, over the ten trading days commencing on the second trading day after each dividend record date.
  • Challenger can either issue new shares or acquire shares on-market (or use a combination of both) to satisfy DRP requirements.
  • For each dividend, holding statements will be sent to DRP participants showing the number of shares issued or transferred to you as part of the DRP.

Should you wish to participate in the DRP, an election needs to be completed via Challenger's share registry.

Challenger recommends shareholders read the DRP rules carefully before participating in the DRP.

Challenger shareholders with a registered address in Australia at the relevant record date may participate in the DRP.  From time to time, Challenger may also make the DRP available to shareholders with a registered address outside of Australia.  Currently, the DRP is also made available to shareholders with a registered address in New Zealand or Japan.

If you hold Challenger shares which were issued under an employee share plan, you will not be eligible to participate in the DRP.

Yes, the decision to participate in the DRP is entirely yours. You can change your DRP participation by lodging a variation with Challenger's share registry (see FAQ Can I change my participation at any time?).

Yes, simply tell us how many of your shares you want to participate in the DRP. For shares not participating in the DRP, dividend payments will continue to be paid in accordance with your payment instructions.

You can apply online via the shareholder login. You will need your Shareholder Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN) to login.

Alternatively, you can contact Challenger's share registry on 1800 780 782 (within Australia) or +61 3 9415 4065 (outside Australia) and request a DRP form to be mailed to you.

If your DRP election is received by the DRP election date, your dividend reinvestment starts for that dividend payment.

No, currently there is no limit on participation. However, the directors may at their discretion impose a limit on participation from time to time.

You'll need to lodge a separate election for each shareholding. To make it easier to manage your shareholding, you may want to combine your shareholdings. Please contact Challenger's share registry for details about combining your shareholdings.

Yes, simply lodge your variation with Challenger's share registry and the variation will be effective from the next dividend payment, provided it is received by the DRP election date for that dividend payment.

If you have more than one Challenger shareholding, you will need to lodge a variation for each shareholding.

The price will be calculated using the volume weighted average share price over the ten trading days commencing on the second trading day after each dividend record date.

There is no cost for you to participate. No brokerage fees, commission or stamp duty will be payable for any shares allotted or transferred under the DRP.

After each issue or transfer of shares under the DRP, a dividend statement will be provided to you in accordance with your communication election, which will show full details of shares issued or transferred to you under the DRP.

Challenger's Directors can modify, suspend or terminate the DRP at any time.  Any modification, suspension or termination will be notified to the ASX and, at the Directors' discretion, in accordance with the provisions regarding giving notice to shareholders contained in Challenger's Constitution. Challenger also intends to update its website where there are changes to the DRP.


  • you cease to participate in the DRP because you have sold all of your Challenger shares; or
  • you opt out of, or the Challenger Directors suspend or terminate, the DRP, and you sell all of your shares before the next record date, 
    the treatment of any residual in your DRP account will depend on the amount of that residual balance. If the residual balance in your DRP account is:
  • more than $10, the entire balance will be paid to you at the time of payment of the next dividend; and 
  • $10 or less, you are taken to have directed Challenger to donate this entire residual balance to a charity nominated by Challenger.

If you opt out of, or the Challenger Directors suspend or terminate the DRP, but you remain a Challenger shareholder, any residual DRP account balance at that time will be added to your next dividend payment and returned in accordance with your payment instructions.  

Residual DRP account balances are not transferable and do not accrue interest.

If you have further questions about how the DRP operates and how you can participate, please contact our share registry on 1800 780 782 (within Australia) or +61 3 9415 4065 (outside Australia).