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Challenger Solutions Spectrum Systematic Alpha Fund

The Challenger Solutions Spectrum Systematic Alpha Fund (the Fund) is a multi-strategy systematic investment fund that aims to deliver positive absolute returns in excess of cash regardless of market environment. The Solutions Group uses quantitative and qualitative analysis to identify market distortions and build a portfolio of systematic strategies they believe will provide clients with consistent returns with low correlation to outright market direction.

Systematic Investing Approach

The Solutions Group’s investment philosophy is based on the belief that:

  • Systematic investment strategies can be designed that provide diversified sources of return which complement more traditional asset class exposures; and
  • Building a portfolio of multiple uncorrelated strategies leads to more consistent risk and return outcomes.

The Solutions Group’s approach is to identify persistent market distortions and design strategies that isolate and systematically capture alpha from the distortions. The team invests in systematic strategies spanning a broad universe of style, asset class and behaviour which tend to have low correlation to each other and to broad macro factors. These diversification benefits are used to produce portfolios with enhanced risk-adjusted returns. The resultant portfolios have very low correlation to traditional asset classes and macro factors.

Suits investors seeking:

  • Absolute return: The Fund targets positive absolute returns regardless of the market environment.
  • Diversification:  The Fund tends to have low correlation to other asset classes and traditional investment products. Even relatively small allocations to the Fund can enhance overall risk adjusted returns at the client portfolio level.
  • Liquidity: The Fund is highly liquid, in contrast to other sources of uncorrelated returns such as hedge funds, infrastructure and property.


RBA Cash Rate Total Return Index. 


Josh Heller  Marco Barchmann  Jerome Yim 
Josh Heller Marco Barchmann Jerome Yim
Head of Solutions Senior Portfolio Manager, Solutions Senior Portfolio Manager, Solutions
Kriti Mishra  Liam Mcdermot  James Gong - CIM 
Kriti Mishra Liam McDermott James Gong
Associate Portfolio Manager Institutional Business Development Manager Quantitative Analyst, Solutions

How to invest:

The Fund is only available to institutional investors.

If you are an institutional investor and wish to invest in the Fund, please contact us.