Guaranteed personal super

Guaranteed Personal Superannuation

This product is no longer available to new investors. Existing investors may choose to change their investment option including reinvesting at the end of their investment term.

About Challenger Guaranteed Personal Superannuation (Challenger Super)


Challenger Super is a low risk superannuation fund. It can be used alongside other investments and help provide you with some certainty when saving for your retirement.

Challenger Super offers two investment options:

  • Guaranteed Fixed Rate - The fixed rate option offers a guaranteed rate of return on your investment for terms of one to ten years. The earning rate is fixed at the time of your investment providing market and capital protection.
  • Guaranteed Cash - The cash option offers a guaranteed earning rate that is set at the start of the week and remains fixed for that week, giving you the flexibility to switch all or part of your investment to a fixed rate option at any time.